Why Young Adults Should Do More Self-Care
Young adults should do more self-care because they are humans, and humans in our society don’t do enough self-care. But more specifically young adulthood is a time period where a lot of exciting things are happening and we can often be forgetful that in order to have enough energy to be present during these transitions, events, parties, promotions, etc we have to be in the right headspace.
Hint hint we usually aren’t because we have so many exciting things going on… who has time to hit pause?!
We need to find the time because with increased self-care in our lives comes increased productivity, burnout prevention, stress reduction, increasing our physical health and our knowledge of self.
Increased productivity
A big self-care strategy is learning how to say “no” to things (professionally or socially) and once we learn to say “no” we are able to intentionally focus and make more time for what really matters. Therefore, allowing us to be more productive at the tasks that truly matter.
Prevents burnout
You push, push, push until you have nothing else to give. We’ve all been there and surely don’t want to go back there. Consistent self-care can assist us in not turning into our burnt out selves. Remember self-care isn’t an emergency tactic and should be used on a regular basis.
Reduced stress
The parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) is activated during most self-care items which puts our bodies in a restful mode, therefore lowering stress levels and increasing our ability to remain calm for longer periods of time in the future.
Better physical health
Similar to the points made above, when we integrate self-care into our day to day life, we open the door to a healthier lifestyle. By clearing out space internally (reducing stress, setting more appropriate boundaries, etc.) we make room to better care for our physical bodies as well. Creating the space for us to make sure we are eating on a regular schedule, getting enough sleep, moving your body on a regular basis, and seeking preventative health care (therefore reducing our chances of catching a cold, getting the flu or becoming ill).
Helps you refocus
Practicing healthy self-care throughout your days is essentially taking little brain breaks. By allowing your brain to have a micro break (deep breathing and counting to 10) or a macro break (scheduling a massage) you are allowing your mind and body to reset. This reset allows you to start fresh and strengthens your ability to focus on day to day tasks.
Increased self-knowledge
Part of self-care means knowing yourself, your passions and what you like. If you don’t know this and are just “doing” self-care, it is going to feel like you are just adding more things onto your to do list and it’s going to feel more like a chore and be more of a strain to your life then an additive.
Written by: Shannon Gonter, LPCC
Shannon Gonter, Professional Counseling in Louisville, KY
I specialize in working with men and young adults. I am passionate about my career and want to work with you to create positive change. I also strive to create a counseling environment where men and young adults can relate, feel heard, and find new solutions to their negative patterns. Some issues that I most commonly work with are stress, relationship issues, difficulty saying “no” to others, difficulties recognizing emotions and emotionally connecting to others, anger, and intimacy issues, among others.
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