Self-Care Suggestions For Young Adults
Don’t even need to get up to do this one. Literally just stretch your arms up like you are going to touch the ceiling and lean over to the right and then to the left. Maybe forward and maybe backwards a little.
Either an intentional walk in the AM or PM or even just a small choice throughout your day to take the stairs instead of the elevator, or maybe walking around your building while on break.
No matter for how long or for how short. Get out there (or in there for you treadmill runners) and get your sweat on!
Sit still
Literally. Sit still. Do nothing. Focus on nothing. For those of you trying it now…harder than it seems, huh? We all know that practice makes perfect, so keep doing it bit by bit and it’ll get easier!
Soak it up! If you are inside a majority of your day make sure to spend some extra time in the sun while walking to your car. The sunshine has so many natural helpers in its rays and we need to soak up all that we can (as long as we are wearing our SPF)!
Like duh. We are all breathing. But be intentional with your breathes. Focus on your inhales and exhales. Try and do this at least 10 seconds a day. If you have an Apple Watch or a smartphone you can download apps and set timers to remind you to mindfully breathe.
Cloud watch
Don’t have to lay on the ground and stare at the sky for hours (unless you want to do that) but maybe just taking a moment on your walk around Cherokee Park to sit on the bench and look at the sky for a bit or even on your walk to your car after a long day of work – pause and take in the views of the sky before hustling to your next location.
Try taking a 10 to 30-minute nap. Don’t be fooled by the short time frame, short naps can do wonders.
Eat slowly
Though you may be STARVING, don’t scarf your food down. Be intentional about what you are putting on your utensil and slow down the time it takes for the food to get to your mouth from the plate.
Walk around barefoot
Ground yourself with the earth. Either in your yard, at a park, beach or lake, etc.
Change the way you make choices
Don’t always let your automatic thoughts and patterns take over. For example, if you usually plan your dinners around what is leftover in your fridge, try to be more intentional and plan your meals throughout your week.
Fix a small annoyance
That shower curtain rod that keeps falling down in the bathroom. Fix it. Fix it now and enjoy knocking off that one small annoyance.
Be selfish
Do one thing a day that makes you happy.
Start a compliments file
Only compliments about yourself can go in this file so spend some time writing about yourself and then spend some more time reading about yourself weeks later.
Something, anything, everything. The apps on your phone, your computer files, your car, closet, desk, room, or house, etc.
From all digital devices. Maybe it is only for 30 minutes or maybe it is for an entire day. Spend some quality time with yourself and/or loved ones without the distraction of technology.
Unhelpful people on social media.
Helpful people on social media.
Anything. Nowadays we are so used to skimming everything we see. Take some time to focus in on one blog, article, book, comic, anything and really read it!
Help someone
Open a door for someone, carry a bag, or mow your neighbor’s lawn. Do something else for someone else.
Take another driving route to work
By switching up your normal routine in the slightest way it will create new neural pathways in your brain to assist keeping it healthy.
Pet an animal
Let yourself stop in the park and pet that cute pup (of course ask the owner first).
Every once in a while, on something that you have had your eye on.
Let yourself R E L A X at the spa one day. Treat yourself to a massage, facial, mud bath, pedicure and all the above.
Write down your thoughts and leave your filters and judgments at the door. Allow this to be a total brain dumb. Some days it might be an entire page and others it may be 2 sentences. Either way it is beneficial for you to get those thoughts out of your head! Prompts here.
Doesn’t have to be long. Set the timer for 1 minute and bring your awareness to your thoughts, feelings and sensations. You can also try a longer guided meditation. Check out free resources here.
Ask for help
In a big way or a small way. Just reach out to someone for something.
Goof off
Let your hair down. Allow yourself to play with your partner, friends, kids, coworkers…
Say “no”
Setting boundaries (and sticking to them) with yourself, at work, or in your relationships.
Written by: Shannon Gonter, LPCC
Shannon Gonter, Professional Counseling in Louisville, KY
I specialize in working with men and young adults. I am passionate about my career and want to work with you to create positive change. I also strive to create a counseling environment where men and young adults can relate, feel heard, and find new solutions to their negative patterns. Some issues that I most commonly work with are stress, relationship issues, difficulty saying “no” to others, difficulties recognizing emotions and emotionally connecting to others, anger, and intimacy issues, among others.
The information and resources contained on this website are for informational purposes only and are not intended to assess, diagnose, or treat any medical and/or mental health disease or condition. The use of this website does not imply nor establish any type of therapist-client relationship. Furthermore, the information obtained from this site should not be considered a substitute for a thorough medical and/or mental health evaluation by an appropriately credentialed and licensed professional.